After the funeral
After the funeral, we can help you with grave care and maintenance according to your wishes.
Between ten and fourteen days after the funeral, we will take care of the first post-funeral grave tending. This includes removal of excess soil that has been dug up for the burial and removal of dead flowers. If this is a new grave, a wooden grave marker will be placed on it and some plants will be planted.
You are welcome to see to the rest of the grave tending yourself, or you can let the experienced professionals of our stonemason's workshop (Kamnoseštvo Žale) and florist shop (Plečnikova cvetličarna) take care of everything. Check out the available services.
Urejanje grobov je dolžnost najemnikov. Preverite, katera pravila veljajo glede vzdrževanja grobov in kako vam lahko pri tem pomagamo.
Nagrobnik je trajno obeležje na življenje pokojnika. V Kamnoseštvu Žale vam bodo svetovali, vam pomagali pri odločitvah, ter po vaših željah izdelali vrhunsko oblikovan nagrobnik.
Tudi vrtnarsko ureditev groba lahko naročite v naši Plečnikovi cvetličarni. Izbirate lahko med enkratno ureditvijo ali večmesečnim vrtnarskim vzdrževanjem groba.