Skoči na vsebino

Guided Tours of Žale Cemetery

Vodeni ogledi pokopališča Žale. Skupina obiskovalcev posluša predstavitev.

Take a guided tour of the Žale Cemetery and learn about its cultural significance and all its beautiful features.

A walk around the Žale Cemetery makes for a special experience of this outstanding cultural heritage site, which is currently in the process of being inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. A guided tour is an excellent opportunity to get to know one of Europe's most important cemeteries and learn all about its secrets.

Tour Times

From early March to late October, every first Saturday of the month
Start: 10:00
Duration: 2 hours
Meeting Point: Žale Cemetery, at the entrance to the Plečnik complex

Slovenian and English

Group Tours
The day/time and duration of the tour needs to be arranged in advance.

Tour Provider:
Ljubljana Tourist Information Centre (TIC)

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